Blending Art and Astronomy at the European Southern Observatory

Follow my journey through exclusive insights and innovative AI video performances at a leading global astronomical observatory.

Blending Art and Astronomy at the European Southern Observatory

Dear friends,

I am currently at ESO. Which is is European Southern Observatory.

Tomorrow night I will perform my AI videos in the planetarium together with tunnel.visions. Super exciting!

At the moment the ESO is building the largest telescope on the world. It is called: Extremely Large Telescope. Love the name. I had the chance to look a bit behind the scenes and am amazed what humans can achieve when they collaborate.

Rendering by Luis Calcada

For instance, the telescope sends lasers into the sky to check how the atmosphere is disturbed. It then quickly changes the surface of the mirrors, on a microscopic level, to improve the images it receives from space based on this disturbance. It’s like a super crazy denoising.

Screenshot from my AI video player 180° setup in TouchDesigner

And soon I will publish my 360° AI video workflow on my new Visual AI Mastery blog.

That’s it from my side for now…

Much love,

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