Home, Friends, and AI Theater

A journey from the familiar scent of home to cutting-edge tech in Berlin

Home, Friends, and AI Theater

Dear friends,

I missed it! I missed to write my newsletter last Friday. 🤦‍♂️

Last week I was in my hometown visiting my parents and old important friends. I even went to a wedding.

There, on my walks I noticed that the air smells differently. It smelled like home.

Back in stinky Berlin I got invited to see a theatre play about AI called Interrobang, Chatbot Challenge.

My friend and creative colleague Manus Nijhoff did all the setup, AI magic, interactions and coding. They were using TouchDesigner, Stable Diffusion, StreamDiffusion and many other amazing tools.

On stage were two actors. Plus the voice of an AI which sometimes went into the body of one of the actors. A solid trip. Well done! 💯

Otherwise I am doing a lot of Midjourney experiments again. Cannot stop blending images…

Much love,