Rhythms and Algorithms: My 2023 Journey

Balancing the Beat of Life and the Byte of AI in a Year of Growth

Rhythms and Algorithms: My 2023 Journey

Dear friends,

This is one of them. One of those long letters which look back at the last year and summarise everything what happened.

So in case you don’t like this kind of stuff — no worries! Just close this email and life will go on.


I established the habit of escaping the Berlin winter. This year to one of my favourite places of the world. Rio. Over the years I built up some strong friendships and was so happy to meet again.



That’s the time of Carnival. I had the chance to join one of the biggest and oldest Samba schools and dance in the big parade. I experienced a side of Rio which not many people from abroad can see. That’s a bullet point in my life todo list which I can tick now.

Before the big parade. My crew in the samba school Beija-Floor.


My Capoeira group from Berlin came all the way to Brazil and we spent some great time together in Fortaleza and Bahia. It was interesting to see all the original and old places where this sport and culture has started. Also I started experimenting with AI and did my second music video for Len Faki.

Still for my first AI generated music video for Len Faki


Time to go home and a two weeks stopover in Portugal to acclimatise. There my friends and me are rebuilding a small village in the country side. A lot of nature and forests and a lot of time reading books in the hammock.

Forests, terraces and our small village


Berlin was colder than expected. I though that I escaped the cold. But I was wrong. Subrenting an apartment of a dear friend I started diving deep into the world of AI. Also I was working on an exciting project for Black Mirror which is going live right now. But the best thing was that I fell in love with the most beautiful woman of the world and we are together since.

Screenshot from one of my designs for Black Mirror


June was a month of butterflies and learning the AI tools. Also enjoying the summer inBerlin… We (❤️) visited many museums, shows and restaurants. The Boros Bunker was one of the highlights. If you are in Berlin you should check it out.

Look for: Boros Bunker


I found a nice place in Berlin Mitte. I always thought that Mitte is snobbish and boring. But I really like the vibe here. No trash on the streets. People are friendly. Nice coffee places. Maybe it’s the age…

Find me on Google Maps…


I had my first proper paid VJ gig in Munich. The label tunnel.visions invited me to do a live show in one of the best Jazz Clubs for five days in a row. I learned a lot and am grateful meeting all those beautiful people. Next year we will do the planetarium tour together.

A poster for the first planetarium show in Munich in 2024. Come, come…


This is also the time when I started with my weekly newsletters. Thank you for all the readers who are with me since then. And thank you also if you are new to the party.

Screenshot from my Substack stats. I am proud about every single person who reads my letters 🙂


October was smooth sailing. I found a good balance between love, work, friends, creativity and sports. I was cooking up a lot of exciting plans which I hope to realise in the near future.

I did not know what to put here. So I put an image of a lion which I created in Midjourney. I like lions.


A new PC and I dived completely into the world of AI. Now being able to create all those weird videos without renting a computer online makes such a difference. I spent days and nights experimenting and had to watch out that I get my proper sleep.

A still form one of those weird AI videos I am doing those days


With our web development Studio 100k we wrapped up a big website project for the company Wallect Connect. They are a major player in the crypto world and we are grateful to collaborate with such smart people. Now I finally have time to switch on the big computer and start again with my AI craziness.

Screenshots from the new website of Wallet Connect

So. That was it. A whole year. I am very excited about the next one. I heard that my stars are in a good constellation for 2024.

I am ready for more AI, more teaching, the planetarium tour and starting the preparation for our new feature film.

Thank you for reading!

Much love,